Tuesday 6 June 2017


1.     Define Service and Connecter?
Service: Pega PRPC acts as server and external system acts as client.
Service SOAP Connect:  Pega PRPC acts as client and external system acts as server.
Connect: SOAP, Connect SQl

2.     Which type of Service or Connecter used in your project?
Service-SOAP, Connect-SOAP, Connect-SQL…

3.     How to call one activity from other Activity

4.     How to run 2 activities in parallel?
We will have run in parallel option to run Connect-SOAP  activity..

5.     Diff b/w Decision tree, Table, Map-Value?
Tree Complex if else structure..
Table- if else in tabular format.. less complex..
Map-Value  based of single property..

6.     Class group, work pool, workbasket, work group?

7.     Different type of connecter in a flow?

8.     Flow, flow action, local action difference?
Flow—defines process…
Local action—updates the work item..never advances the flow..
Connector—advances the flow..

9.     What are SLA type’s types?
Workobject level – give sla name at pySLAName property of data transform,…
Assignment level..Give a Assignement shape

10.  How you configure SLA in assignment?
At assignment shape in flow

11.  What are Work parties?
Interested to know about the work but do not directly resolve WO…  ex Com,gov,operator,org,Person

12.  What are different methods used in activities?
Page-New, Page-Remove,  Obj-open,Obj-List, Obj-Save, RDB-Save,RDB-List,RDB-Delete etc..

13.  Activity types
Activity, utility, LoadDeclarativePage,  Trigger,Validate,Assembly etc..,

14.  How to create work object through an activity and which method to use to create work object Call Work-.new

15.  Case Management

16.  Different type of flow
ScreenFlow, SubFlow  starter flow..

17.  Different types of container in section

18.  Types of Harness
New, Confirm, Perform Review Reopen

19.  Agent types

20.  How you trace an agent
Using SMA
Agent Mgnt  select the required agent-> delay the agent-> Find the requestor id..
Requestor Mgt -> trace the agent by selecting requestor id..

21.  Data Queue agents
Created by PRPC system.. for Rule-Agent-Queue

22.  Obj-open ,Obj-Browse
Obj-open to open single instance..
Browse is to form the list of embedded pages… for the given criteria..

23.  Diff b/w Obj type methods and RDB type methods
Obj-used for both internal and external DBs
RDB used for only External databases..
RDB methods working with Pega internal DBs causes Loss of data.

24.  Different types of properties
11 modes
Single aggregate..

25.  Diff b/w single property , aggregate property
Single-Property simple integer, text, decimal, date, etc..,
Aggregate — List, group properties

26.  Define report and types
Reporting— detailed display of records from DB..

27.  Diff  b/w list view ,Summary View and Report Definition
List view—  Detailed record by record display
Summary View— Chart representation of data
Report Definition—Can be used as both List View and Summary view

28.  Email Listener ,File listener

29.  Access Groups, access roles

30.  Parameter values ,local values
Parameter values are    across activities..
Local values  available only in that activity..

31.  Different types of pages in clipboard
Declare pages, user pages, operator ,Organization, division etc.,

32.  PAL, Pre-flight
Preflight facilitates to find warnings in activities and decision rules..

33.   Tracer

34.  How to connect External DB from your application
create         Data-Admin-DB-Name with java bridge details..
           Data-Admin-DB-Table with schema name and Table name.
          Click on test connectivity

35.  Smart BPM Methodologies
14 steps..

36.  Diff b/w BPM and BRE
BPM – automatic processing..
BRE—Only business rules.. flows not required.

37.  Circumstance and types simple circumstance (value based,time based), multiple circumstance (circumstance definition, circumstance template)

38.  Rule set and Rule set Versions
Container of Rules id Ruleset—multiple versions can be created for a single ruleset

39.  What is grid layout tree layout

40.  Guardrails in Pega
Limit custom java, establish robust foundation, build for change, do nthing hard,etc..,

41.  Import ,export rules   Product, ProductPatch

42.  Production rule set

43.  Agile Methodologies  SCRUM

44.  Work Type:
fundamental unit of work .can be create, update and resolve

45.  Work Item:
Unique Id, Urgency and status.
6R`s Automation: Receive (accepting), Routing, Report, Respond, Research (decision), Resolve

46.  What are the fields in the properties panel of an assignment shape?
Route    Notify Ticket Status Localactions  Harness

47. Where can we call the activities in a flow action?
Post activity Preactivity at action tab

48.  What is Class structure of your Project? Explain about the project Flow?
Organizatin-> Division-> Framework->Implementation

49.  What is the Rule availability?
Rule available for  Rule Resolution algorithm, Yes,No,Final,Blocked,Wirhtdrawn

50. What is the Final availability and how can change availability of Rule?
Save into different Ruleset

51.  Can you Override Final rule?
S.     Only in same Ruleset

52.  What is the rule resolution Algorithm and can you tell me how it works or search?
Rule resolution is the search algorithm that the system uses to find the best or most appropriate rule instance to apply in a situation.
Rule resolution applies to all but a few rule types — classes that inherit from the Rule- base class. Rule resolution does not apply to instances of classes derived from the Work-, Data-, or any other base class.

Thursday 27 August 2015

PRPC Developer Toolbar | Pega Tutorial for biginners

PRPC Developer Toolbar::

Pega Developer Network (PDN) is the ultimate knowledge repository for any PRPC developer. But since the amount of information is so vast, sometimes it is difficult to navigate through the PDN and find the required content easily. So as a solution, what if you had all your PRPC goodies right beside your PRPC IDE, meet PRPC developer toolbar, one stop feature packed resource center.

Following are some of the benefits you will gain by using the toolbar:

1. Search anything on PRPC with one click

2. Never miss newly published KB articles

3. Directly go to articles from toolbar

4. Get instant access to APIs and quick references

5. Access exam details and study guides

6. Listen to Pegasystem’s Podcasts and many more

7. Get Twitter updates from BPM experts

8. Stay updated with quality content

Importance of Sandbox ruleset | Pega Tutorial pdf

Importance of Sandbox ruleset::
One of the major problems that Pega projects face with time is build up of test rules within the official business rulesets. If not properly managed these rules could end up in the production environment which is not an ideal situation to have. But can we really stop creating test rules, for me the answer is no, because creating test rules is also an integral part of the iterative development process. So how can we maintain a clean development environment while also allowing the creation of test rules.

The answer is the Sandbox ruleset. By creating a separate ruleset only for test rules it is possible to have a clean development environment while allowing the creation of test rules in development process.

Following are the steps that have to be followed:
Create a sandbox ruleset and version
Update ruleset restrictions in classes to include the sandbox ruleset
Create a separate sandbox application rule and include the sandbox ruleset and put your main application as the Built on Application
Create a sandbox access group and include the sandbox application
Include the sandbox access group as an optional entry in the operator access group list
Now you will get the sandbox application as an optional application rule when you log in as a developer. So next time when you want to create a test rule, switch the application to the sandbox application and use the sandbox rule set to save your test rule.

If your team is not used to this process, it will take some time for them to adjust to this new way of working, but with time you will see better results.

Clipboard Page Analyzer | PEGA Study Material step by step

Clipboard Page Analyzer::

Have you seen a colored clipboard like this before, probably not right, please read to find out how and more importantly why it looks as it is.

We love creating Pages, especially finding good names for them. Within Pega Rules Process Commander (PRPC) pages play a very critical role as a highly flexible data structure that offer application developers the ability to abstract the underlying business data model.

But with all this glamor, “named” pages hold one dark secret, once created they have to be manually deleted through the code. Which means you have to track most of the pages that system create for you (Obj-Browse, Obj-Open) and all of the pages that you create (Page-New), so that you can remove those pages at the correct moment within the business process after they are no longer needed. If not this can lead to significant performance issues as every page in the clipboard occupies memory.

This being a design feature in PRPC, Pega has given couple of ways to delete named pages. Widely used Page-Remove activity method is the easiest and by far the best way to delete named pages, but if you are writing Java then removeFromClipboard Pega Java API method can be used to achieve the same outcome.

Everything is working perfectly up to this point, there are ways to create pages and ways to delete pages. But there is a problem, since we are doing these tasks as humans, even though it is a good development practice to remove pages whenever not needed, sometimes we tend to find the best practice is not being followed, resulting a cluttered clipboard.

So what if there is a way to find out pages that were created but not deleted within two different points in an execution flow that you have selected. Which brings us to the beginning of this post the colored clipboard. Yes you guessed it correctly, those colored pages indicate exactly that. Those are pages that were created but not deleted within a user specified two points in an execution flow. I like to call this the Clipboard Page Analyzer.
So you know the problem and you have seen an answer, let’s see how to implement this.

Let’s start with an example, Imagine you have a process with 3 flow actions (FA) and you are creating two pages called A and B within the boundary of these 3 flow actions. According to the technical design correct life span of these two page should be as follows.

Page A – Initialized within FA1 and removed within FA2
Page B – Initialized within FA1 and removed within FA1
Following diagram shows the correct representation of that.

Now for a moment let’s analyze the following diagram which is an incorrect implementation of the technical design

So as you can see if you examine the clipboard after the FA1 you will find Page A and B both on the clipboard, but according to the design only Page A should be present, which means the developer has not removed Page B at the correct moment within the process. Something similar can be seen if you examine the clipboard after FA2, where you will see both the pages present but according to the design none should be there.

So how do we track these clipboard page creation and deletion moments. It turns out to be that we do not have to track, there is a neat trick that can be used to get the delta of pages within two different points in time.

If you examine the PRPC Java API you will find a method called getPageNames in PageDirectory interface.

Once you have this method it is matter of invoking this method at two points in time and find the delta. So with this in mind and after some client side coding following is what you get. (Please see the video in YouTube directly with HD full screen for better quality).

Beauty of Higher Order Functions

Beauty of Higher Order Functions::

If you are familiar with JavaScript you must have come across the usage of Higher Order Functions. Simply put higher order functions can accept functions as parameters or can return function as a result. When you understand the basics, it's joy to work with them.

Due to the elegant design of PRPC runtime, we can easily simulate higher order functions using activities. Following activity is a good example of such a scenario.

So next time when you find a problem see if you can solve it using higher order functions. If properly used your code will be more modular and look very professional.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Harness the power of PRPC Content search

Harness the power of PRPC Content search::

According to my view Content search is one of the main features within PRPC and most probably the best. Content search enables us to learn the beautiful PRPC architecture and it acts like a personal trainer. So how does the content search does all its magic. The secret is, Pega’s Content search is implemented using Apache Lucene open source text search engine.

You might be thinking it is a well known fact. Yes, you are absolutely correct, most of the Pega developers know that the content search is based on Apache Lucene. So then what’s all this fuss about.

The truth is we only use a fraction of what is available to us as content search, since the content search is based on Apache Lucene, we literally get the power of Query Parser Syntax in Lucene directly into content search.

That means you can do Fuzzy searches, Wildcard searches, Fields searches, Proximity searches, use Boolean operators, Group several searches and list goes on.
For actual syntaxes please read this wonderful Query Parser Syntax documentation.
Play with all the combinations and have fun.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Which directive would you use to retrieve a property value from an instance not present on the clipboard?

             a) Reference directive
             b) Literal directive
             c) Lookup directive
             d) Java directive

Ans: C